Monday, June 18, 2012

Father's Day Tribute

I hope mommy doesn't mind.... but WE decided to take over her blog.... We just had something that we wanted to say to you, daddy....
I'll do most of the writing Daddy... since you know I have the ingenuity to pull this off (and I like to take control of all situations).... Don't worry though... Casen and Cooper are here with me now and I will be sure to let them have a say....

First of all.... Happy Father's Day... from all of us
We just wanted to thank you for some things... so here we go....

thank you for always being "hands on".... whether you are holding our hands to cross the street.... or holding us after a boo-boo.... or scooping us up to put us back in our beds in the middle of the night..... thank you.... your hands are so strong....

Thank you for getting down and playing with us.... playing trains (Casen made me say that)..... wrestling with us (which makes mommy edgy... but we love it)   building something with us.... or reading to us... by the way we love your versions of stories better

Thanks for being a great hubby to mommy too..... we know that she needs you to lead our family and even though she may not show it all the time.... she appreciates all you do for all of us and the time you spend with us....

Thanks for letting us climb all over you..... 

Thanks for exploring with us...

and getting dirty.... and even better.... letting us get dirty.....

Thanks for being a great son.... and bringing us to see our Nona & Paca all the time.... It is so great that you are so close with them.... it teaches us what we could only hope our relationship to be with you and mom when we get older....
not to mention Nona gives me lots of makeup to play with and Paca is a pretty cool guy

Thanks for always scooping us up and throwing us around.... WE LOVE IT!
You are sooo strong!

Thanks for letting us eat things that mom doesn't......

Thanks for all the cuddles... and snuggles.... and sleeping in our little beds when we are scared..... we know you don't fit very well.... but we feel safe around you....

Thanks for taking us to really cool places.... and letting us watch you race.... 
you are so fast.... no wonder you win all the races!

Thanks for playing with us on the beach....

Thanks for all the rides.... froggie appreciates them too....

Thanks for making lemonade stands for us.... 

Thanks for helping us to feel strong and confident....

Thanks for all the kisses.....

Thanks for being silly.... singing songs and acting.... well just plain crazy with us....

Thanks for all the baths..... 
I know mommy appreciates that you take this task on almost every night.... 

We love you more than you can possibly know.... you are our super hero.... our protector.... our provider..... our world would not exist without you and all you do....

We love you.....

Uh Oh.... here comes mommy......

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